Well-being Naturopath Spirituality Balance
Energy Balance & Re-Alignment Sessions (EBR)are personalized combinations of Naturopathy, Spirituality and Sangoma Energy practices for spiritual growth & transformation.
Energy Balance Is Vital
When personal energy is out of balance it can become dense energy which can have negative impacts on our mind, our bodies and our spirit. This is not a bad thing, because it’s a signal that we need to pay attention.

Gifts and Offerings
Energy Balance & Re~Alignment (EBR) are a collection of techniques and practices gained over many lifetimes that reignite & rewrite your spiritual story bringing natural clarity & inspiration.
From a lifetime of curious exploring of spiritual practices has awakened talents from Aboriginal, African, Shamanic, Kemet and Indus Kush. All of these practices has their roots embedded in TaMeri (Earth).
Keeper Of The Lore – is – I suppose – a mission statement. That the stories of the Earth are kept true.
Raising the Vibration Of Our Global Village – a reminder that we are more connected and we can utillise that connection to elevate our global quality of life.
During a Personal Realignment Session
- Identify pathways to personal realignment
- Identify personal spiritual grounding & protection processes & tools
- Use HeartSpeak creating authentic pathways of communication
- Assess your Ancestral & Spirit Guide Realignment
- Assisting you to identify, prepare & walk your path.

Our working together will reignite & rewrite your spiritual story bringing natural clarity & inspiration; creating positive potent impressions that germinate, root and take hold. But YOU will have to do the work. This is not a quick fix. I am not a fortune-teller.
My Commitment To You Is This…
I will speak to the Heart from the Heart.
We will enter into dialogue until we arrive at a Oneness.
I will observe Maat Law and follow the path of truth.
I see the divinity in you and will reflect this to you until you can see it for yourself.
I will ask you to be unreasonable with what you feel is possible to stretch your ambition.
Everything we say and do is completely confidential.
I will encourage you to live a natural and sustainable life.
I will support you in developing a mind body spirit connectedness.
I will assist you to realign and balance your own energy and maintain it.
I will uplift you. I will honor you.
If you would like to learn if this is right for you, I offer free consultations.